How To Embed A YouTube Live Stream In WordPress?

How to Embed a YouTube Live Stream in WordPress

Video Embedding has been used for ages on the internet to bring YouTube videos to blogs, making them feel more interactive and interesting to read. Adding a YouTube video to your blog can enrich it in several ways, especially regarding SEO performance and user engagement. Embedding a live stream in your WordPress website is a fantastic way to engage your audience with real-time video content. Whether you’re live streaming an event, or webinar, or simply sharing live updates, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to embed a YouTube live stream in WordPress.

Read more to find out how to hide and show widgets on your website.

Method 1: Using the YouTube Embed Code

This method involves obtaining the embed code directly from YouTube and pasting it into your WordPress post or page.

  • Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your YouTube live stream video on the website.
  • Click on “Share”: Below the video, click on the “Share” button.
  • Click on “Embed”: After clicking “Share,” you’ll see an “Embed” button. Click on it.
  • Customize the Embed Code (Optional): You can customize the video size and other settings as needed.
  • Copy the Embed Code: After customizing the settings, click on the “Copy” button to copy the embed code to your clipboard.
  • Insert the Embed Code in WordPress: Go to your WordPress post or page where you want to embed the live stream.
  • Ensure you’re in the “Text” or “HTML” editor mode (not the visual editor).
  • Paste the embed code directly into your post or page.
  • Switch Back to Visual Mode: If you were in the “Text” or “HTML” editor, switch back to the “Visual” editor.
  • Preview or Publish: Preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded YouTube live stream.

Method 2: Using the Gutenberg Editor (Block Editor)

If you’re using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress, you can easily embed a live stream using a YouTube block.

  • Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your live stream video on the website.
  • Copy the Video URL: Copy the URL of your live stream video from your browser’s address bar.
  • Create or Edit a Post/Page: In your WordPress dashboard, create a new post or edit an existing one.
  • Add a YouTube Block: In the Gutenberg editor, click the “+” button to add a new block.
  • Search for “YouTube” or scroll down to find the “YouTube” block and select it.
  • Paste the Video URL: In the block settings, paste the live stream video URL.
  • Preview or Publish: Preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded YouTube live stream.

Method 3: Using Classic Editor

If you’re using the Classic Editor in WordPress, you can embed a live stream by switching to the HTML editor mode.

  • Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your live stream video on the website.
  • Copy the Video URL: Copy the URL of your live stream video from your browser’s address bar.
  • Create or Edit a Post/Page: In your WordPress dashboard, create a new post or edit an existing one.
  • Switch to HTML Editor: In the Classic Editor, switch to the “HTML” or “Text” editor mode.
  • Embed the Video: Paste the video URL directly into your post or page.
  • Preview or Publish: Switch to the visual editor and preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded live stream video.


Whichever method you choose, embedding a live stream in WordPress is a process that is made seamless by WordPress, that allows you to share real-time content with your website visitors. These methods allow the generation of web traffic and boost real-time user interaction on your blogs. This in the long term will also bring traffic and clicks to your website resulting in its growth.

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