Video Embedding has been used for ages on the internet to bring YouTube videos to blogs, making them feel more interactive and interesting to read. Adding a YouTube video to your blog can enrich it in several ways, especially regarding SEO performance and user engagement. Embedding a live stream in your WordPress website is a fantastic way to engage your audience with real-time video content. Whether you’re live streaming an event, or webinar, or simply sharing live updates, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to embed a YouTube live stream in WordPress.
Read more to find out how to hide and show widgets on your website.
Table of Contents
Method 1: Using the YouTube Embed Code
This method involves obtaining the embed code directly from YouTube and pasting it into your WordPress post or page.
- Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your YouTube live stream video on the website.
- Click on “Share”: Below the video, click on the “Share” button.
- Click on “Embed”: After clicking “Share,” you’ll see an “Embed” button. Click on it.
- Customize the Embed Code (Optional): You can customize the video size and other settings as needed.
- Copy the Embed Code: After customizing the settings, click on the “Copy” button to copy the embed code to your clipboard.
- Insert the Embed Code in WordPress: Go to your WordPress post or page where you want to embed the live stream.
- Ensure you’re in the “Text” or “HTML” editor mode (not the visual editor).
- Paste the embed code directly into your post or page.
- Switch Back to Visual Mode: If you were in the “Text” or “HTML” editor, switch back to the “Visual” editor.
- Preview or Publish: Preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded YouTube live stream.
Method 2: Using the Gutenberg Editor (Block Editor)
If you’re using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress, you can easily embed a live stream using a YouTube block.
- Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your live stream video on the website.
- Copy the Video URL: Copy the URL of your live stream video from your browser’s address bar.
- Create or Edit a Post/Page: In your WordPress dashboard, create a new post or edit an existing one.
- Add a YouTube Block: In the Gutenberg editor, click the “+” button to add a new block.
- Search for “YouTube” or scroll down to find the “YouTube” block and select it.
- Paste the Video URL: In the block settings, paste the live stream video URL.
- Preview or Publish: Preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded YouTube live stream.
Method 3: Using Classic Editor
If you’re using the Classic Editor in WordPress, you can embed a live stream by switching to the HTML editor mode.
- Access YouTube Live Stream: Go to your live stream video on the website.
- Copy the Video URL: Copy the URL of your live stream video from your browser’s address bar.
- Create or Edit a Post/Page: In your WordPress dashboard, create a new post or edit an existing one.
- Switch to HTML Editor: In the Classic Editor, switch to the “HTML” or “Text” editor mode.
- Embed the Video: Paste the video URL directly into your post or page.
- Preview or Publish: Switch to the visual editor and preview or publish your post or page to see the embedded live stream video.
Whichever method you choose, embedding a live stream in WordPress is a process that is made seamless by WordPress, that allows you to share real-time content with your website visitors. These methods allow the generation of web traffic and boost real-time user interaction on your blogs. This in the long term will also bring traffic and clicks to your website resulting in its growth.